Birds SA - Conservation Research Fund

Applications close
Calls for grant applications close 31 March and 30 September each year
Payment per year
Up to a maximum of $10,000
Higher Degree by Research
Postgraduate Research
Australian Citizens
Australian Permanent Residents
New Zealand Citizens
Permanent Humanitarian Visa Holders
International Students
Type of Scholarship
Financial Need
Supplementary Scholarships
Available In
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology (SET)
Available To
Continuing Students

Birds SA gives small research grants to eligible students and community research groups up to a maximum of $10,000 maximum to support in various research areas of bird conservation science undertaken by graduate students and community researchers. Applications studying bird species/populations in South Australia are encouraged and preferred. South Australian species which have distributions mostly outside of South Australia may be considered under special conservation circumstances. 

Focal Research Areas

Applications that cover the focal areas below are likely to be supported. They are:

    1. Projects that investigate factors relating to declining or threatened species of birds.
    2. Projects that increase knowledge and understanding of birds and their habitats.
    3. Projects relating to management and conservation of birds and their habitats.
    4. Research into birds and their habitats must be principally in South Australia, and occasionally outside of the State where the value of the research contributes to the conservation of South Australian bird populations. 

Applications are encouraged from research institutions for supervised project funding at the Honours Degree, Masters Degree and PhD levels and projects conducted by the research community  linked to South Australian universities and nature conservation NGOs. Applications are also encouraged from community researchers not aligned to any institution but have a professional scientist as a mentor.

Refer to the Birds SA Conservation Research Grants website for further information.