Centrelink Student Start-up Loan
Centrelink Student Start-up Loan
Applications open |
Program |
The Student Start-up Loan is a voluntary loan available to eligible full time students in higher education who receive Youth Allowance, Austudy or ABSTUDY Living Allowance.
Students must apply for a Student Start-up Loan.
Loans are tax free. Students have to repay the loan through the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) when income exceeds the minimum repayment threshold, as you would with Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP) debts. Read more about repayment thresholds on the ATO website.
The Student Start-up Loan is not available if you have previously received, and are still eligible for, the Student Start-up Scholarship.
For further information please contact Centrelink by phone on 13 24 90 or visit the Centrelink website.